Therapy: ABA, Core Services OAP

Age:     All Ages

Fees: Differ per service and time of day that is booked. Please contact us for ABI’s Rate Card

Eligibility: Determined by screen. 

Languages offered: English

Referral:     No

Location:    In-person and/or virtual 


Psychology and Psychotherapy (ACT & CBT)

Psychology and psychotherapy offer a range of strategies and interventions tailored to the unique needs of autistic individuals and their families, aiming to improve their overall quality of life, emotional well-being, and social functioning. Psychotherapy can be beneficial for autistic individuals (ASD) by addressing various aspects of their mental health and well-being. While autism primarily affects social communication and behaviour, autistic individuals may also experience co-occurring conditions such as anxiety, depression, sensory sensitivities, or difficulty managing emotions.


Individualised psychology treatment and counseling is offered for children and families virtually or in the comfort of your own home by a psychologist with over 25 years of pediatric experience and specialty in various therapies and diagnoses.


ABI offers specialised services that are OAP funded such as psychotherapy, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT).

How Can Psychotherapy and Psychology Help?

  • Social Skills Training: Many autistic individuals struggle with social interaction and communication. Psychotherapy can provide structured training to improve social skills, including understanding social cues, initiating conversations, making eye contact, and maintaining relationships.
  • Anxiety and Stress Management: Autistic individuals often experience anxiety related to social situations, sensory sensitivities, or changes in routine. Psychotherapy techniques such as acceptance and commitment therapy and training (ACT) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help them identify and manage anxious thoughts, develop coping strategies, and gradually face feared situations.
  • Emotion Regulation: Some autistic individuals may have difficulty recognizing and regulating their emotions. Psychotherapy can teach skills for identifying and expressing feelings appropriately, managing frustration or anger, and coping with overwhelming sensory experiences.
  • Understanding Autism: Psychotherapy can provide a safe space for autistic individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to their diagnosis. It can also help them develop a positive self-concept and understand their strengths and challenges within the context of autism.
  • Family Therapy: Family therapy can be beneficial for improving communication, understanding, and support within the family unit. It can help family members better understand autism, develop effective coping strategies, and strengthen relationships.
  • Transition and Life Skills: Psychotherapy can assist autistic adolescents and adult in navigating transitions, such as transitioning to adulthood, entering the workforce, or living independently. It can focus on developing life skills, vocational skills, and strategies for managing the challenges of adult life.
  • Addressing Co-occurring Conditions: Many autistic individuals have co-occurring mental health conditions such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Psychotherapy can provide treatment for these conditions, either independently or in conjunction with other interventions.

Contact Us Online


Meeting you where you are, Applied Behavioural Interventions is committed to providing those we serve with the necessary tools so that they may live their life to its greatest potential. Working with the entire family, we value connection, engagement and family-centred care, in your home and in your community.


Call, email or click on our chat box to book a time to chat to a Parent Service Co-Ordinator.

Once you have decided that ABI is the right fit for your family, we will book an in-home assessment where we will individualize a treatment plan.

Our Director, a Registered Nurse and BCBA, will meet with you personally to discuss recommendations based on the assessment and a proposal for service is submitted to you for approval. This is a fluid conversation where you decide what will work best for your child, and for your family.

Having the right Team by your side is important. Your trust in us is a privilege. Together, we will select your Team, a start date and provide you with as much support as you need, every step of the way.

Learn More About Psychotherapy & Psychology

Richmond Hill - ABA Therapy Prover

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